Quality of a Company Country Manager

Quality of a Company Country Manager

What are the characteristics of a Country Manager of any company? I would say, very good communication skill, leadership skill and who can push the boundary, see things which other don't see. who can create a team, Motivate the team, who knows where to connect, who knows how to solve problem. Who can transform the company vision to its team member and in the industry. Who is brave, know how to fight against all odd, who doesn't bow down to cunning people or to cheap offer, or short-term benefit, who always think in the long term (at least 10 years ahead). This position is not for chicken hearted people, or who are cunning, you can’t be in that position unless you have quality or someone given you the post. Nature always picks the fittest, brave one for the leadership. Weaker one who are in position now will be eliminated naturally.

Quality of a company country manager

As a country manager, you need to make a lot of sacrifice for the team, prepare for that (even if you are hurt by them) . You should help junior staffs, guide them. Your job is not to sell rather prepare the environment for the team so they can sell and grow the business. your job is to guide them, help them to flourish.

Engr. Monowar Hossain Palash
Aplicacion y Suministros Textiles S.A. - Asutex

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